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Glendale State Fish & Wildlife Area

Explore Tours

Glendale Fish & Wildlife Area provides quality outdoor recreational opportunities while maintaining 8,060 acres of land and more than 1,400 acres of lakes and impoundments.
 Acquisition of the land for this property began in 1956 and land purchases were made throughout the 1960s. Several minor purchases were made in the 1970s. The construction of the dam that formed Dogwood Lake began in 1963 and was completed in 1965. The lake was renovated in 1978 and restocked with fish in 1979. The average depth of Dogwood Lake is 8 feet.

Glendale Fish & Wildlife Area provides quality outdoor recreational opportunities while maintaining 8,060 acres of land and more than 1,400 acres of lakes and impoundments.

Acquisition of the land for this property began in 1956 and land purchases were made throughout the 1960s. Several minor purchases were made in the 1970s. The construction of the dam that formed Dogwood Lake began in 1963 and was completed in 1965. The lake was renovated in 1978 and restocked with fish in 1979. The average depth of Dogwood Lake is 8 feet.


Tour Amenities

Vault toilets are available at the main launch ramp, auxiliary launch ramp and picnic area.

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